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Keep Track of Things the Easy Way
Amenities are important, but often take a lot time, especially when you have to track down amenity items borrowed by residents
With RezTRACKING, you can stay organized with who has what, send notifications when an item is due back, and even set up late fees for items that aren't returned on time.
You'll save money on lost items and time on tracking things down, which might open the door to giving your community other amenities that previously weren't worth the hassle.


We are Amazed at the Items Communites are Now Tracking with RezTRACKING.
From Laptops, Bikes, Board Games, Books, Towels, TV Remote Controls, Sporting Equipment, Movies, Video Games, Gym Passes, Jumper Cables, Maintenance Tools to Shopping Carts or even Vacuums and many other items, if it's something you want to check out to your residents or maintenance staff RezTracking can do it!

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